After flying in formation with the other alicorn stallions for a few hours, Speedy Hooves finally had decided to rest for the time. The other stallions in understanding, flew back to their respective kingdoms with the exception of Calm Merriment whom was visiting alongside Motherly Morning yet again from the Crystal Empire district. With this being agreed to His little foal Tommy fell asleep on his back, tucking his little muzzle into his father’s warm coat. Even with his own small little Wonderbolt uniform made by his aunt Mythic Majestic, the colt shivered somewhat in the breeze among the clouds. This of course caused the Alicorn King/Emperor to notice his colt’s behavior, instantly nuzzling his son’s mane with his big muzzle. As he sat there among the cloud nuzzling the smooth mane of his one child, Speedy’s component stallions reflecting on how much they enjoyed this moment, much like his wife were far and few between. Work keeping the stallion busy, and unable to see his only begotten son. It was times like these he would remind himself that he valued the most. The love of a father for his son.
Done by the stunning :iconcactuscowboydan: