Lighningbeat eating at the local diner, feeling sad and alone as usual. What is he having? Sushi… as usual. Not that he’s not happy about that. He just wishes he had someone to eat it with.
If I had Source Film Maker, this might’ve turned out a lot better. I had to get a bit creative with what I have, that being Garry’s Mod and drawing software. This is actually 4 separate images pieced together. The motion blur and most of the lighting was done in Garry’s Mod. The rest, like additional lighting effects, color correction, etcetera, was done in the drawing software.
You should check out the map I used by the way. It’s called RP_SouthSide_Day. It’s a perfect roleplay map, and it’s supposed to be located near NYC, so it’s great if you’re looking for a nice city map like I was. Here’s a link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2028581413
(Also, I know that SFM is free… I don’t know if my computer would be able to handle running it though. But… I guess Source Engine isn’t too demanding, hardware-wise… Maybe I’ll look into it.)
<sup>The unicorn in the shot is named Bitwise. I kinda like the way her design turned out, so I might keep her around. Maybe I’ll draw a picture of her later.</sup>