Originally posted on: August 11, 2019
I normally don’t post my OCs’ reference sheets to dA since I normally have actual art to upload but,,,
Since my profile’s one of my OC’s aesthetics now, I think it’s only fitting to introduce him to you! >;3cThis is Anarchy!!
He’s a transboy and uses he/him!
View his info and if you want to do fanart, please read the “Before You Draw” section here !!And now, here’re some trivia about his alt outfits [and in general]:
1. He cuts his tail on his own, that’s why it’s really short and messy
2. His wrist markings are not natural. He used to draw those often before he transitioned but they stuck with him even after it.
2. The first alt outfit is loosely inspired by Kirby/80’s aesthetics >;3c
3. The hoodie is his favourite thing to wear, though he only does either when he’s extremely uncomfortable or if he’s lovestruck
4. The third alt outfit is a loosely inspired by LoZ mixed with one of my own favourite shirts I grew up with
5. His green shirt has a “12” in the middle
6. The last alt outfit is black one side, while the other side is white (wears it when he’s feeling in a ‘punk/rock band’ mood)
7. He will go to great lengths to make sure that his red tie is never untied
8. There’s a small pawprint on the red tie since he got it from working in an animal shelter
9. One of the coloured bands around his wrist is a reference to Be More Chill bc he loves Jeremy ,,,,,
10. He has a HOARD of plushies and you better believe he tries to sleep next to all of themaa thanks for reading all that if you did!!
All the info here is way too long to put on TH ahaAnyway, that’s Anarchy! I love him to bits so please don’t copy/reference/steal/etc ;v;
Oh and feel free to check out my profile and click on the updated links there !!
Thanks for your time <3Last reminder, if you’re planning to draw him without clothes, I will block you.