Artist’s Description
Rosie’s parents! Starling Cutwater-Quartz is Rosie’s adopted mother while Jasper Quartz is Rosie’s biological father. Starling and Jasper also have a child together, a young talented colt named Keystone Quartz.
Starling is the heiress of a long line of bridge architects and builders, creating links all across Equestria. If you know someone of high status who knows someone who know someone, it’s probably a Cutwater. Not quite nobility but likes to act like she is by buying lots of expensive fur coats and glamorous jewelry.
I’ve already introduced Jasper quite a few times XD Retired guard and family man. Known for gambling and making bets, and more known for loosing them XD Always looking for ways to get on noble’s good side and sweeten deals. Only was adulterous the one time and is very devoted to his son, spoiling him rotten every chance he gets. Jasper hasn’t spoken to his twin brother, Sunstone, in over 10 years.