Following the revival of her Waterlogged lover and some time to recover, it was easy to know that Delta had quite some explaining to do. Like the mare of his heart, each word of his answers to her questions carried only truth. Deep down Delta worried he’d be seen as a bit freak by this little kink of his but in all honesty, Applejack hardly minded.
If anything, she felt curious herself! Delta was caught so off guard from this response he almost felt doubt in the Element of Honesty’s Integrity in that moment she asked to experience this herself. Some time of double checking she was ok with this, and a loving unity between muzzles later, Delta offered his hoof in showing her the Breathless Bliss of the water.
Minutes passed…
Struggles grew…
Desperation rose…
But trust and love held…
And soon…
This bobbed Apple discovered Euphoria.
Not amongst Angel manned clouds
But cool, waterlogging depths~
Massive thanks to Aldermoth (Dislogic on FA) for this YCH