Title: “Me every Valentine’s Day… (Vent art)”
While Valentine’s Day may be a relatively happy day for a good chunk of the world’s population, it is a living hell for me internally.
I DO want to be in an intimate relationship, I want to love someone, bond with them, cuddle them, cum inside of them, etc etc etc all those good things.
The problem is that I am not sexually attracted to humans, male or female in any way shape or form.
This is due to a series of not so pleasant experiences I have went through in my life involving human on human relationships.
I basically want to be in an intimate, loving relationship with something that is not a human. For example, an anthropomorphic and or fully feral animal, but of course, anthropomorphic animals do not exist outside of shows or movies and feral animals cannot consent, so essentially, as a hideous human myself, I have no dating or love options.
This lonely feeling makes me feel like crap, but thankfully not enough to feel suicidal or anything, it just sucks.
I just wanted to draw this to get how I feel every Valentine’s Day off of my chest.
To anyone out there who is sexually into to humans, Happy Valentine’s Day and I feel great for you all. You were able to fulfill your dream of being in a wonderful relationship with something that you are actually attracted to, I am glad that you were able to have that privilege when I am simply not able to.
Congratulations and I hope you all are having a great day with your mate. /)