Humphry Stalon is a pony from a country outside of Equestria where ponies don’t get cutie marks. He was born in a war torn country and recruited at a young age to be a soldier. He was trained in many forms of combat and espionage. Skilled with a sword and many other weapons both close and long range, he is a force to be reckoned with. Humphry thought he was fighting for a casue but soon learned the truth, he was nothing more than a guard dog protecting a crime lord’s plantation. Out of anger, he turned his training on his masters, destroyed all information they had on him and fled the country. seeking a peaceful life in his late fifties, he found his way to Equestria where he took up a job as a butler. He serves loyaly and is well versed in cooking, cleaning, and many other tasks expected of a butler. He is happy in his new life, but woe be those who threaten or take away what he has come to find precious, for they will reawaken the vicious guard dog he once was.