Shadow Flicker
“My job is to get rid of undesirables. Don’t make me add you to the list.“
Parents: Queen Twilight Sparkle and Queen Consort Tempest Shadow
Siblings: Dark Kiss, Sinbad, North Star, Mythic Show
Gender: Male
Species: Unicorn
Talent: Pest Extermination
Birthplace: Canterlot
General Bio:
Prince Shadow Flicker is the fourth and youngest child of Twilight and Tempest. Shadow Flicker’s talent is Pest Extermination, and he works as an Exterminator. He hates his talent and his job, but he does the work because it’s what he’s good at.
Shadow Flicker has very few close bonds. The only ponies he considers himself close to are Zap Apple and Sakura Teacake