Page 1325 – Live StreamersAuthor: GreatDinn
Guest Author’s Note: “Does it help if I say I’m studying music production and have met plenty of drummers who can play multiple instruments and sing and can in fact carry a tune?
No? Well, it was worth a shot.
It’s interesting to me the ratio of players who like to bring things into their character based on their own personal interests and how many choose to play characters that have interests and skills the player has never in their life ever considered pursuing.
Story Time Prompt: What characters have you made based on your own hobbies or interests? And have you ever made a character with personal interests that are antithetical to your own?”
PP: Ooooh, I know what’ll be fun. Jinx Shot!
Twilight Sparkle: You have no magic!
PP: But I do have streamers!
MD: Pffffft, okay, this is funny enough that I’ll allow it this once. Twilight, as you enter the gym, you fall prone, wrapped head to toe in streamers.
Twilight Sparkle: Great.
PP: Sorry, just needed to get that out of my system. We talk more than we roll, so I never get to bring out these cool powers!
Twilight Sparkle: It’s fine. I’m used to it. So, you’re playing Pinkie Pie?
PP: Sure am! Bard seemed like a real hoot! Not all sneaky, not all brawny, not all wizardy, but able to do a liiiiittle bit of everything! Plus, I know how to carry a beat~
Twilight Sparkle: Don’t you mean a tune?
PP: I’m a drummer, so…no.