Alright peeps, it’s finally time to reveal some family members of some of the Mane Six from my “Flurry Heart’s Story” fanfic concept.
First of all, yes, that is an OC I made for Rainbow Dash. Yup, I went there. Guilty as charged. ; I know a lot of people in the fandom are against shipping OCs with canons, but I made this OC specifically for this story and if you think about it, plenty of other characters made for the show are technically OCs, they just have the canon label slapped on them cuz they’re in the official show. Don’t forget, at least 2 people got their own self-insert OCs in the show for the Make a Wish Foundation so there’s nothing wrong with having an OC to begin with. You’ll like him, trust me. And I know a lot of people are going to hate me for not having it be Soarin but believe me when I say I was SUUUPER tempted to use him since I see a lot of people still like to ship SoarinDash. While I do still think it is cute, I failed to see enough chemistry between Soarin and Dashie in the show, plus I already had an idea for a good OC I could pair her with and I was already too attached to it to change anything. His name is Thunderhead. I’ll give you more details about his personality and how they met at a later date. Right now their kids working names are Storm Streak, Lightning Flash, and Misty Blitz respectively, but you guys can give me better suggestions in the comments if you want.
Now I didn’t go all out “_____ should be dating MY OC!” with these (courtesy of :devblackgryp0n:) cuz that green stallion next to AJ is actually Tex, one of the “Big Brother” ponies from the old G2 cartoon in the 90s. His color scheme was different then so I just changed it up, but he still has a cutie mark of a cactus. He is the son of Burnt Oak in this story which I thought was very fitting considering both their parents used to be close friends. Their kids are twins and I actually cannot decide on their names so feel free to give suggestions.
Now we all know that Cheese and Pinkie canonically get married and have at least one kid by the end of the show if you saw “The Last Problem”, but FHS is going to start off right before they get married actually. I have a really good plan for a fanfiction about their wedding which will come at a later date. Right now, Cheese is getting more “Boneless” rubber chickens and putting numbers on them cuz he’s getting ready to propose to Pinkie and those are going to be for their kids (if you didn’t notice, Li’l Cheese was playing with Boneless 6 in the finale).
Oh and someone pointed out to me on Twitter how they’re getting “millennial vibes” from Cheese’s hair and the fact that they’re using the chickens as their kids. Um, okay? I already explained the Boneless duplicates being there, but in case anyone else doesn’t get the reference, Cheese is meant to look like how Weird Al currently does with his long shaggy hair, accompanied by a Hawaiian polo shirt. I know he still had the curly hair and yellow shirt in the finale, but I couldn’t resist making him more like his VA. :giggle:
Alright guys, I’ve been anxious to reveal these characters for a while and was pretty shy about it due to Thunderhead’s status as an OC, but I am doing this cuz I like the idea and not to shove it in anyone’s face. There will be plenty of other elements of Flurry Heart’s Story that I’m sure other people will like.