My MLP:FiM NextGen and another this year holiday pic.
Fluttershy and Big Mac with their kids Snow Blossom and Summer Wind, sending foals’ letters to Santa Hooves :santa:
FLUTTERSHY: Here we are, kids. Now prepare your letters.
SNOW BLOSSOM: Oh, oh, oh! (jumps eagerly in front of post-box trying to throw letter in)
BIG MAC: Here ya go, sugar. (grabs and raises her)
TWILIGHT: Good to see ponies liked my idea with Santa’s post-boxes.
FLUTTERSHY: Hi, Twilight! It was such sweet idea, thank you for it.
TWILIGHT: Thank my son. He has been writing letters to Santa Hooves, telling about gifts he wants to receive on Heart’s Warming Eve, every year. It made me think – since so many foals write such letters, why not organizing it and create special letter boxes?
SUMMER WIND: Princess Twilight, Santa will get all our letters?
TWILIGHT: (winks) Have no doubt!
RAINBOW DASH (approaches, talking to her daughter Rainfall) Ready to send a message to Santa Hooves, squirt?
RAINFALL: Mom, that’s silly! I know that you and dad are buying presents for Heart’s Warming. Why sending a letter?
RAINBOW DASH: Oookay, then I’ll write him myself and tell that one grumpy filly doesn’t want a gift from him this year.
RAINFALL: What?! No, I want a gift! (throws her letter into post-box)
PINKIE PIE: (looks from behind the post-box and knocks and gives it a knock) Feels like fool. Pinkie Delievery ready to deliver the mail to Santa’s workshop!