*NOTE: This gen was designed before Season 9 and I have seen the final but dont want to include it so this is completely headcanon
Thunder was one of the only members of the Wonderbolts that currently wasnt in any relationship, While it didnt bother him that he was single he did hope to find “the one”. Rainbow Dash suggested her friend Fluttershy who was currently single and tries to have them be introduced to each other since they both had a bit of a timid side. As soon as the date was set and they both met up, they instantly clicked and became very close quickly. Thunderlane while busy with being a Wonderbolt, would always try and stop by Flutter’s cottage to spend time or try and help with the animals (even if its not his talent). The two took some time getting married due to their off schedules but they had one of the most calming weddings ever with the help of their friends, both pony and animals. Thunderlane still works as a wonderbolt and doing the shows with everypony else.
Fluttershy currently still runs the sanctuary of the animals and often gets super distracted with it, She tries to spend as much time with her family before the animals stop her again. After the birth of her first daughter Moody, she began having her bat feature resurface after being dormant for years after the “Flutterbat incident”. She was originally in so much due to the transformation, after some time and the Mane 6 being confused and wanting to fix it, Fluttershy after some thinking decided to keep the bat features as she didnt feel unusual. She still feels like her normal self (other than she will crave apples every week or so, can use echo-location and can hang upsidedown if she wanted to) and just looks a bit different. Her husband doesnt mind it and continues to accept her choices, as long as it isnt harmful to anypony.
Moody is the eldest child of Flutters and Thunderlane, unlike her happy and cheerful parents she is a super grumpy. She is pretty emotionless and never smiles around others, she is pretty intelligent and has a strong understanding of psychology and problem solving. She is the local therapist of Ponyville, while is harsh with how she gives advice its all in the caring of her heart to help. She is also kind of a sassy jerk, he isnt exactly friendly so whenever someone tries to talk with somepony, it usual ends up with her sassing them and them making sure not to hit her. Like her mother, she has bat fangs in her mouth and she has slit eyes that she uses to see in the night.
<del>TIMID GEAR</del>
Timid is the youngest child of Flutters and Thunderlane, She was born with a couple deformations, She was born with only 3 legs, born with a damaged wing that needed to be amputated and has heterochromia, not to mention that she collected all of Fluttershy’s old bat features. She was completely coddled and given the most attention as Flutters didnt want to lose her, she was able to live after being hospitalized for weeks. When he became older and more intelligent, she became fascinated with electronics and has managed over years of learning and practicing made herself tools for her living. She manged to figure out how to make herself both a robotic leg and wing that functions on internal pegasus magic. She felt amazing after being able to just stand up without having to use a wheelchair and finally being able to fly like her sister. Even through her hardships, she always tries to keep a happy and cheerful smile on her face.