Starlight was…confused, to say in the least as she looked down at the little unicorn foal in her forelegs. Her first thought was this has to be a mistake, they swapped foals accidentally. But no one had left the room with him, so there was little chance of that happening. The pony who cast the pregnancy spell has a similar coat colour, maybe it picked him up instead of Trixie. Again, very little chance of that, considering the pony had stood practically a mile away so as to avoid that very problem. No, however she looked at it, she had just spent the past few hours in labour with this foal who was definitely the child of her and Trixie..and he looked nothing like either of them “Trixie, he’s…he’s,” Starlight tried to form the words to portray her confusion but they got stuck in her throat as she caught a glimpse of her wife. Her eyes were wide and her pupils were the size of pinpricks. Tears flowed down her cheeks as she stared down at the foal, frozen in place. “Trix?” Worry overtook her confusion as she reached out a hoof to Trixie. Before she could brush a lock of her silvery blue hair out of her face, Trixie let out a strangled gulp and turned tail, practically galloping out of the room.
Witch Hazel’s colouring was…a bit of a shock to Starlight and Trixie. The both reacted to it in different ways (this is going to be a story, y’all) Character Used: