“I really didn’t want you to find this…”
“But why? She’s my grandmother! She’s your mom! If you loved her and kept a picture of her, why didn’t you tell us about her?”
“Oh Ollie, it’s not that simple…”
“You lied to us! You and Mommy had a picture of her this whole time!”
“Watch your tone, young lady! You shouldn’t have been snooping in our drawers.”
“And you shouldn’t have hid this! It’s our GRANDMOTHER, why would you hide her from us?”
“That doesn’t concern you. Keep talking back and you’re grounded.”
“You were married to her, right? I just wanna know, is she dead, or did she leave you? You never talk about her!”
“It’s none of your business, Bal.”
“None. Of. Your. Business. I don’t want to hear about her again.”