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Size: 5000x414 | Tagged: safe, artist:funimation2002, derpibooru import, a.k. yearling, aloe, angel bunny, applejack, aunt holiday, auntie lofty, autumn blaze, big macintosh, bon bon, bow hothoof, braeburn, bright mac, button mash, capper dapperpaws, captain celaeno, carrot cake, chancellor neighsay, cheese sandwich, clear sky, cloudy quartz, coloratura, cookie crumbles, cup cake, daring do, derpy hooves, diamond tiara, dinky hooves, discord, doctor caballeron, doctor fauna, doctor whooves, filthy rich, flash magnus, flash sentry, fluttershy, gallus, gentle breeze, gilda, grand pear, gummy, hondo flanks, igneous rock pie, lemon hearts, limestone pie, lotus blossom, lyra heartstrings, marble pie, mare do well, maud pie, meadowbrook, minuette, mistmane, moondancer, mudbriar, night light, nurse redheart, ocellus, octavia melody, opalescence, owlowiscious, pear butter, pinkie pie, pipsqueak, posey shy, pound cake, princess cadance, princess celestia, princess ember, princess flurry heart, princess luna, princess skystar, pumpkin cake, queen novo, quibble pants, rainbow dash, rarity, rockhoof, rumble, sandbar, sci-twi, shining armor, silver spoon, silverstream, smolder, snails, snips, soarin', somnambula, songbird serenade, spike, spitfire, star swirl the bearded, starlight glimmer, sugar belle, sunset shimmer, sweetie drops, tank, tender taps, thorax, thunderlane, time turner, trixie, twilight sparkle, twilight sparkle (alicorn), twilight velvet, twinkleshine, vinyl scratch, whoa nelly, wind sprint, windy whistles, winona, yona, zephyr breeze, oc, oc:cream heart, ponified, abyssinian, alicorn, alligator, bird, cat, changedling, changeling, dog, draconequus, dragon, earth pony, gryphon, hippogriff, owl, parrot, parrot pirates, pegasus, pony, rabbit, turtle, unicorn, yak, equestria girls, equestria girls series, my little pony: the movie, rainbow roadtrip, spring breakdown, spoiler:eqg series (season 2), animal, equestria girls ponified, female, food, happy birthday mlp:fim, king thorax, male, mane seven, mane six, mare, mlp fim's ninth anniversary, muffin, one eye closed, pillars of equestria, pirate, royal sisters, student six, sunglasses, unicorn sci-twi, wall of tags, winged spike, wink, wrong aspect ratio


Happy 9th anniversary to MLP friendship is magic!! The power of friendship will always be with us!

(Btw pls add more tags, it’ll take me forever to do so.)

safe2368638 artist:funimation200222 derpibooru import2782670 a.k. yearling383 aloe3385 angel bunny11890 applejack219294 aunt holiday453 auntie lofty407 autumn blaze6020 big macintosh37564 bon bon20477 bow hothoof1658 braeburn7801 bright mac1920 button mash5417 capper dapperpaws1916 captain celaeno1497 carrot cake2641 chancellor neighsay965 cheese sandwich5223 clear sky623 cloudy quartz2007 coloratura4001 cookie crumbles1572 cup cake5352 daring do7690 derpy hooves62056 diamond tiara13637 dinky hooves5106 discord40725 doctor caballeron937 doctor fauna636 doctor whooves12201 filthy rich1410 flash magnus1078 flash sentry16652 fluttershy283299 gallus9810 gentle breeze600 gilda12385 grand pear358 gummy5915 hondo flanks731 igneous rock pie1221 lemon hearts2617 limestone pie7145 lotus blossom3512 lyra heartstrings36662 marble pie9456 mare do well1157 maud pie16464 meadowbrook1078 minuette7348 mistmane1031 moondancer6782 mudbriar1074 night light3296 nurse redheart4959 ocellus7318 octavia melody29964 opalescence2492 owlowiscious2334 pear butter4401 pinkie pie280228 pipsqueak3572 posey shy2153 pound cake3352 princess cadance45485 princess celestia123869 princess ember9607 princess flurry heart11048 princess luna128465 princess skystar2662 pumpkin cake3063 queen novo1996 quibble pants1796 rainbow dash306302 rarity238242 rockhoof1436 rumble5163 sandbar7309 sci-twi35987 shining armor31370 silver spoon8986 silverstream8373 smolder12530 snails6147 snips4850 soarin'19389 somnambula2623 songbird serenade1540 spike100819 spitfire17110 star swirl the bearded2488 starlight glimmer66279 sugar belle4122 sunset shimmer89355 sweetie drops20477 tank3409 tender taps951 thorax5912 thunderlane5460 time turner12199 trixie86811 twilight sparkle394312 twilight sparkle (alicorn)155962 twilight velvet6344 twinkleshine2673 vinyl scratch35855 whoa nelly326 wind sprint865 windy whistles3434 winona2969 yona6790 zephyr breeze3333 oc1067619 oc:cream heart3417 ponified54779 abyssinian1524 alicorn329402 alligator1279 bird14302 cat9378 changedling11997 changeling67921 dog13582 draconequus19187 dragon84998 earth pony427523 gryphon39572 hippogriff14556 owl1492 parrot711 parrot pirates540 pegasus489635 pony1496436 rabbit8766 turtle723 unicorn527298 yak6077 equestria girls288974 equestria girls series42721 my little pony: the movie23787 rainbow roadtrip1828 spring breakdown3293 spoiler:eqg series (season 2)17937 animal8760 equestria girls ponified5147 female1531299 food114101 happy birthday mlp:fim1450 king thorax3687 male528674 mane seven7798 mane six40622 mare706907 mlp fim's ninth anniversary327 muffin7910 one eye closed47370 pillars of equestria367 pirate3149 royal sisters6320 student six2163 sunglasses21497 unicorn sci-twi976 wall of tags5759 winged spike10025 wink34307 wrong aspect ratio693