Cinn: So Ah told em that if they wanted tah spend more time with me, they’d either have to take turns or share. I was willing either way, you understand.
Marigold: Mn.
Cinn: Vulgar? Me? Ah’m wounded. Insulted even. Surely you don’t think Ah’m the type to kiss and tell?
Marigold: Pft.
Cinn: Well perhaps I just trust you, Sweet pea. Not many mares can tolerate my… loose lips.
Marigold: Mn.
Cinn: Okay, Ah gossip a bit but that that don’t mean ah can’t keep a secret.
Marigold: [Cocks brow]
Cinn: Ah can so keep a secret. These lips haven’t told nobody about your… side job.
Marigold: [narrows eyes]
Cinn: Hey hey, no need to get all puffed up, sweet pea. You know Ah won’t tell nobody.
Marigold: Mn.
Cinn: See? Thats why Ah love ya, sweet pea. Who else but you could be my wingmare!?
Cinnamon Apple (Cinn for short) is a notorious flirt, juggling dozens of hearts with nothing more than a cool smile and a southern drawl. The only one immune to his charms is his best friend, Marigold. As foals, both were ostracized from the group.
For Cinn, it was just because he got along better with fillies than colts. While all the colts still thought of fillies as ‘gross’ and ‘icky’, they still disliked how friendly and close Cinn was to them. Other colts were often compared to Cinn, being called ‘less fun to hang out with’ and ‘mean’. For Mary, it was her selective mutism, in which no matter what was said, she’d only respond with a hum. That and her eerie eyes that seemed to look deep into ones soul. It scared most foals.
Cinn was the only foal to talk to her. It took him time but he soon learned how to understand her hums just as well as her family. When asked, he’d say that despite how little she said, Mary was a very talkative filly.