Page 1187 – Gin & Doctor, Part 7Author: Winged Cat
Artist: Digo DragonGuest Author’s Note: “So… yeah. The bigwings. They are not pegasuses. Neither are they truly rocs (though they use that as a nickname), but they’ve got the falling part down.
Gin is about to feel low, deflated, not standing tall…”
DW: There is? I mean, ‘course there is! What are we negotiating?
NPC Pegasus: Can’t be anything important.
GG: Just your lives. You’re probably right.
GG: Well, he’s going to break the Pillar. All the earth ponies and unicorns… won’t be around to entertain the bosses. Whose blood to do think the bigwings will demand next? So the alternative this earth pony recommends is everypony take as much cloud as you can and go! If we all go our separate ways, the bigwings can’t track us down. There are villages down there that’ll protect you, especially if you bring them rainclouds.
NPC Pegasus: Really? Wait a minute… How do you know so much?
GG: W-Well, you see, the thing is…
NPC Pegasus: Save it, I know what you are!
GG: roll How’s a 26 on Bluff?
DM: Sigh…
NPC Pegasus: You’re a really, really good interrogator! I didn’t even hear you ask this renegade about his plans.
GG: Yeah, that’s me! I’m just full of skills!
DM: You’re definitely full of something.
DW: I guess our work here is done. Will non-pegasi be okay leaving?
GG: The enchantments should wear off gradually enough that everypony can get back down.
DW: Then I can turn this in as proof, for the bounty.
DM: Not so fast! You asked about rocs falling earlier?
GG: You wouldn’t!
DM: I did. The bigwings show up.