Page 1120 – Pony Versus PonyHonestly, take a step back, maybe transplant these situations to different RPGs, and you don’t even really need Discording to get these kinds of arguments to happen…
Applejack: Huh. So if that’s the idea… Hey, Rarity?
Rarity: This better be an apology for the way you keep eyeing my diamond.
Applejack: Well, that’s just it. TWILIGHT said now that we’re out of the maze, we’ve completed our mission to you.
Twilight Sparkle: No I didn’t– Oh. OHHH.
Applejack: So we can take our cut now. Ah’ll get a chisel and–
Rarity: I WILL FRONTSTAB YOU! Nopony DARE put a scratch on MY diamond until it is SAFE at home, away from spying eyes! Only THEN will I determine your “cut!“
Applejack: AH’m just sayin‘– Er, I mean– Twilight said that there might be dangers on the road back home! Wouldn’t it be safer now??
Twilight Sparkle: Girls? I’m fine if you want to ham things up, but could we NOT provoke PvP?
Rarity: You’re a liar, Liarjack! Why should I trust you with even the merest reflected light stolen by your unworthy retinas?!
Fluttershy: You already know punching and weapons won’t work. But jokes and unexpectedness in general… Those would be much more effective. And your strategic mind knows it.
Pinkie Pie: No, that’s not true! That’s impossible!!
Twilight Sparkle: I’m not sure this is going anywhere…
Discord: Mmmhmmhahaha… Oh, it’s just too entertaining. You really have to hand it to this ragtag bunch you’ve assembled. They know how to take an idea and run with it. Consummate professionals, to a one.
Twilight Sparkle: They’re MY friends, not YOUR puppets. We’ll beat this and then we’ll beat you, together.
DM: Now that’s the spirit.
Discord: Yes, Twilight, these ARE your friends. …Warts and all.