Page 1106 – Impact LearningPutting aside the “dumb bruiser” jokes for a moment, there’s value in keeping the hitter’s tools in your toolbox – especially when you’re up against the mind-games type. Your enemies might put so much effort into arcane trickery, devious puzzles, and cutting speeches that they might forget that the cell door’s hinges are rusty and brittle and will shatter with a few good shoulder charges.
Rainbow Dash: Then fine, let’s see those dice! I don’t need wings to put up a fight!
Discord GM: Oooh, a lone, flightless pegasus versus a god of chaos. Yes, those seem like much better odds.
Rainbow Dash: Don’t care. We gonna roll for Initiative or not?!
Discord GM: Are you actually so single-minded that you’re willing to fight a battle you absolutely cannot win?
Rainbow Dash: Of course I am! Duh! You’d rather keep messing with us, so I know you’re not gonna finish me off. And this way, I learn a thing or two about how you REALLY deal with threats. A little banter and teleporting and you’ve got everyone scared, I’ll give you that. But that’s all so you don’t have to show us your TRUE power. So I wanna see it!
Discord GM: And here I thought MY method to madness was strange.
Rainbow Dash: Put up your mismatched dukes already! I’ll LARP this if I have to!