Page 1095 – Mistress of Her DomainWriting and portraying character flaws, especially melodramatic flaws, is tough. Everyone wants to go, “Who would possibly fall for THAT?” and it’s your job to subtly yet laboriously plead the case that, yes, this character in this context would fall for these tactics, even if you the audience member wouldn’t.
Now that I’ve written that block of text, it reads to me like I’m complaining about recent criticism. I hope you believe me when I say I’m really not. I’m still fascinated by everyone’s takes on this whole arc so far, even (especially) those of you whose suspension of disbelief is getting stretched, across from those who are nodding their heads understandingly. This is the most intrigued I’ve ever been by a response to an arc of the comic.
Discord: Loot is all well and good, but your vice – what you’ll drop everything to obtain – is not wealth. It’s control. That was, among many other things, one of Elusive’s most fatal misunderstandings, wasn’t it? He offered you the world, but none of the work; none of the foundation. And worst of all, he’d robbed every ounce of your control to make it happen. So you punished him, for taking what was most valuable to you. But it wasn’t just the Prince, was it? Even the red dragon…
Rarity: I-I was after his hoard!
Discord: You dared hope for a far greater prize: A dragon, tamed by words. But. You could prove me wrong right now. All you’d have to do is walk away, and accept whatever chaos this brings. Or have I truly revealed an aspect of your deep character?
Rarity: …Fine. GIMMEEEEE!!