Page 1071 – Lively ActionScrapped line (because the bubble covered up too much):
Pinkie Pie (delayed until the very end): …came from inside the house…In this gag’s most initial form, I thought maybe Discord was waiting outside and his entrance was him coming through the front door (due to concerns about being overheard on the phone while only a few walls away). But honestly, the image of him waiting patiently in the master bedroom this whole time is just more hilarious to me, on a level I don’t quite understand.
DM: While you freak out about your missing appendages, a swirl of green magic appears in front of the maze entrance, growing larger and larger until… Just a second… HEY! GET IN HERE! IT’S TIME!
Twilight Sparkle: Pardon me?
Applejack: …Oh no…
Pinkie Pie: The call…
Rarity: What in the world is that outfit?
Twilight Sparkle: You were HERE the whole time?!
Rainbow Dash: This is overkill.
Discord: And it was all worth it, just to see the looks on your faces! Priceless!