Page 1006 – Trick the TricksterArtist: ChrisTheS
Hey! We made it to the last comic update of 2017. That’s something.
I’m a big fan of a lot of the images on this page. Applejack whacking Isabela with her braid. The “Rarity’s missing” outline in the trick rose gas. Blueblood being tripped. Rarity’s smug smirk with her horn gleaming almost sharply. It looks like this fight scene would be so fun to watch animated – if it wouldn’t be exponentially more nightmarish to stage, let alone animate, than it already is.
Applejack: Since Ah’ve got combat advantage fer sure now, Ah guess Ah’ll use Riffling Sting… Off-Hand Strike – maybe that should be Off-Hoof Strike, heh heh – and then Twin Strike.
DM: Yikes. Alright, Elusive’s turn!
Rarity: Here we go…
DM: Bold move, hiding in the thick poison fog with Sneak’s Trick. But in order for your gambit to pay off, you need to remain hidden until your turn begins. That fails if someone beats your Stealth with an active Perception check. Blueblood’s not an easy pony to hide from. Between his fixation on you, his decades of thievery, and the cursed blessings of the Alicorn Amulet… you’re gone. Okay then. Despite his best efforts, he has completely lost track of you.
Rarity: Then on my turn, I use Unbalancing Trick once more.
DM: You’re still affected by the poison gas, so the difficulty– Nevermind. Blueblood is on the floor now.
Rarity: Hmph! And here I thought you were a master thief.
DM: Cold as ice, much?
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