Page 997 – Martial HeartsArtist: ChrisTheS
Seems like the last thing you’d want to hunt, to designate as your “game,” would be a ninja, but what do I know?
One week until page 1000…
Tales of New Dunhaven – The Birthday Job, Part 2: Libsyn YouTube
DM: …and that ends the turn for the ninjas.
Applejack: Yeouch. Okay, the adds gotta go. Dibs on that band name, though.
DM: Rainbow?
Rainbow Dash: I use Pressing Strike, shifting into position.
DM: …That’s a miss.
Rainbow Dash: Crap, I was gonna follow up with Flurry of Blows. No way I’m using my action point this early… Guess all I did was move!
DM: Applejack.
Applejack: Payback time. Ah mark the nearest ninja as mah quarry.
DM: Like you do.
Applejack: Then Ah use Attacks on the Run to wade in; hit them and their buddy.
DM: As a reaction, “Garrett” gets a few potshots in… for a pretty solid hit.
Applejack: Fine. Then Ah’ll use Invigorating Stride.
DM: To get out and take your second wind, nice. After that, at last, it’s Elusive’s turn! And he has just one target in mind…
Rarity: Bring it.
Blueblood: As you wish.
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