Page 995 – Horror Among ThievesArtist: ChrisTheS
I’ve always wanted to literally dump a pile of enemies on top of my players… but I don’t even own a single miniature. Oh well. A man can dream through his webcomic fanfiction.
Applejack: Well, Shy, you were half-right. He was just a grandmaster thief. Now he’s a proper Solo monster.
Rainbow Dash: All the better for the face-smashing!
Pinkie Pie: It’s six on one! LET’S GET ‘IM!!
DM: Not so fast!
Fluttershy: Ah!
Pinkie Pie: Orrrrr maybe six of one, two dozen of the other.
Applejack: …Where were you hidin’ that bag of minis?
Twilight Sparkle: Did you really need to dump them like that?
Rarity: My former comrades…
Rainbow Dash: Awright!
DM: From the rooftop above and the grappling hooks below, a squad of elite thieves and ninja guards leaps onto the balcony, surrounding you! Roll! For! Initiative!!
Twilight Sparkle: Are these custom? Wait– Is that Imoen from Baldur’s Gate? As a unicorn?!
Rarity: Then that must be Dragon Age’s Isabela…
Rainbow Dash: Garrett?! “Thief: The Dark Project” Garrett?! NOOO!! C’mon, man! You’re too cool to be working with Elusive!
DM: Hands off. Let me get them into position.
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