Page 994 – Proof of PurchaseA callback so drastically long ago (>>2128517) that I actually edited a screencap of my own to properly convey it. Wow.
When I initially thought up this sequence, I figured it’d be small and contained. “I’ll hand the artist a script for, say, six pages of abbreviated events, I’ll still get that ‘wow’ factor, and I won’t have to try and stretch the realms of possibility.”
This plan fell apart as the transition loomed closer and closer and I just couldn’t bring myself to nail down a script, for various real-life-stress reasons. Finally, ChrisTheS (whose page you should follow for the beautiful full-size images and extra notes) pried a basic outline of what I wanted out of me, and then just took off. Just made a huge sequence of “fake” custom screencaps, assuming that I’d do my usual thing and add dialogue and context and layout to them later.
So while this is still a temporary situation – we’ll go back to regular screencaps someday – there’s gonna be… a bit more of this to come. I plan to show off as much as I reasonably can.
By the by, we did not one but two Tales of New Dunhaven sessions last week, so I’ve had a heck of a time getting both of them released. And I’m gonna be running two more this weekend! Please enjoy.
Tales of New Dunhaven Session 10 – The Bank Job
Part 1: Libsyn YouTube
Part 2: Libsyn YouTubeOh, there’s only two weeks until Page 1000, huh…
Rainbow Dash: Heck, I don’t even NEED a reason to beat you up, but I’ve still got a few!<br/>
Applejack: Y’all’ve meddled in our affairs for the last time, Elusive!
Rarity: Blacklisted or not, allow me to tender my resignation – effective immediately!
Blueblood: AHAHAHAHA!! Very well, then! At least you were useful for SOMETHING in the end!
DM: He levitates something into view from under his collar.. It’s an obsidian-and-ruby artifact thrumming with evil, foreboding power, shaped in the figure of an alicorn.
Twilight Sparkle: Where did he get THAT from?!
Rarity:<gasp!> Wait, NO!! Those outfits I put together for Sapphire Shores to smuggle gemstones…! The “transaction” they were meant for…! It couldn’t be!!<br/>
Blueblood: Thank you for this Alicorn Amulet, darling. It will make a lovely going-away present!
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