Page 974 – Spear CounterpartIf you’re wondering if the last four years or so have been building up to “Rarity’s fantasy/dream sequence from The Ticket Master but from the Prince’s perspective”…
Blueblood: I crafted Dainty Dove’s alias myself. She’s flawless. The perfect balance of high class and rustic mystique to justify a Cinderella story. The other nobility won’t suspect a thing. Our perfectly performed “romance” will be the talk of Equestria for generations. They’ll look at you and think to themselves, “Who is that mysterious and beautiful mare who’s captured our fair Prince’s heart?” Never discovering that you’re, one, originally humble Rarity from Ponyville, two, a former Thief working a long con, or three, the new secret joint leader of the Guild. Even Celestia will be caught unawares, and she knows you. You’ve been “blacklisted.” You’re the “Element of Generosity.” That narrative will convince her she has nothing to fear from you.
Twilight Sparkle: Wow, he has, uh… fantasized about this moment quite a bit, huh?
Applejack: That’s the problem. So has she.
Pinkie Pie: Like looking in a funhouse mirror that makes you look like a guy!