Page 740 – Capital SchismIt’s a common enough tabletop phenomenon. You mention a bit of worldbuilding, and some of the players take it and run with it, speculating wildly. Some people do it because they want to know more about the world they’re inhabiting.
Some people do it because they want to figure out how to break it. How to “win” it.
DM: But before we get into that, we need to take a moment to understand what this hurricane is FOR. Because last time, when I tried getting Rainbow Dash to relay exposition, it went a little–
Pinkie Pie: Fowl?
DM: …Mmmmmrrrgh. So. We all know that Equestria’s weather is controlled. Let me ask you this: “How do they manage rain year-round?“
Twilight Sparkle: I’m going to go out on a wild guess and say pegasi do it.
DM: Cloudsdale, specifically. The “pegasus capital” of Equestria houses the weather factories and the top-level organizers.
Rarity: So it’s a public works thing.
DM: Your tax bits pay for it.
Rarity: See, my entreprenurial mind can’t help but imagine a privatized weathering business now. Say a rich noble wants guaranteed sunny weather, or a rainbow, at their vacation home.
Applejack: Forget that. Find a way to own airspace, then “rent” it out to whoever wants to modify the weather. Get paid for havin’ nothin’ and doin’ nothin’.
Rarity: That involves a bit more lawyering than I’d like, but I see the profit potential!
DM: Okay, one: ALL of that is horrifying. Two: Equestria’s not really “at” full-blown capitalism yet. Most ponies in most towns still do their shopping in local town markets. Three… Where was I?
Fluttershy: Cloudsdale manages the rain.
DM: Right. But, uh, all that water has to come from somewhere, doesn’t it? You can’t just make clouds and rain out of thin air.
Twilight Sparkle: You can’t? Not with magic or anything?
DM: N…No. I mean, there are certain “condensation” spells, but they don’t have enough power to– Ahh, stop it! Stop sending me on tangents! Where does Cloudsdale get the water?! THAT is the question!