Page 730 – Evading the IssueAuthor: Digo
Guest Author’s Note: “Eventually I came to the realization that refrigerators, with their metal exterior and dense insulation, are a decent defense against the elements, gunfire, and explosives.”
Newbiespud’s Note: Starting with this, we’ve got a grand total of eight pages of guest comics! I was a bit more stringent about quality and theme this time around, so it’s not as many as I would have liked for a sabbatical. Still, three weeks will do.
DM: You have about three minutes until the nuke goes off.
Jackie: Well, time to put my life in Lady Luck’s hooves.
(rolls a natural 20)
Jackie: Ha! Nat twenty!
DM: No way!
Jackie: I’m taking no damage this time!
Doc: How are you avoiding a nuclear explosion?
Jackie: I can dodge area effects with evasion. That includes bombs, right?
Doc: You do realize that radiation doesn’t count as an “area effect”, right?
Jackie: Oh yeah… Get in there! We got thirty seconds before we fry!
Doc: This makes no sense! We can’t survive a nuke by hiding in a fridge!
Jackie: The lead lining gives you a +10! Rules as written, Doc! Don’t question it!