Page 610 – Backseat GamingAs promised, all bets are off moving forward regarding Episode 100 discussion in the comments below. Hopefully the hype has dwindled down enough that people won’t be discussing it in excess anyway. (Haha! My master plan all along! Not really though.)
My thoughts on it? I’m the wrong person to ask. When I like a show, I tend to accept every episode positively, even the episodes the majority doesn’t like so much. I’m satisfied by a few cool moments, some worldbuilding, and the continued exploration of characters I’ve come to like. I recognize and appreciate a good story well told, being a scholar of storycraft as I am, but I also have a lot of patience for a show’s low points.
Not that any of that applies to my opinion of Episode 100. Suffice to say I loved the episode and how utterly insane it was, and how it still tied all the crazy plot threads into a narrative with a satisfying conclusion. I didn’t have any major headcanons at risk here (not that I have many period, just interesting campaign ideas), but I figure that if you’ve ever been concerned about how the show handled the precious background ensemble, well, that was probably the worst we’ll ever get. I think we’ll survive.
In other news, we’ve got a side-series for Fallout is Dragons on the way called Mawlers Take Manehattan, an AU slice-of-life thing we’re doing to pad out the time one of our players is gone for the summer. It’d normally be going up in the regular FiD slot today, but this week was insane. Probably tomorrow.
Applejack: Twi, Ah think it’s a fine thing that you wanna race. Do whatcha want.</sigh>
Rainbow Dash: Yeah, we’re just poking fun. Don’t let us stop you. Not that, heh, you’re gonna, heheh, stop US, anyway.
Twilight Sparkle:<sigh> Well, thank you.<br/>
Rarity: Pinkie Pie is commentating, but what about me and Fluttershy? What will we do during this contest?<br/>
DM: Um… You can… encourage, cheer for the pony you want to support, giving them a tiny bonus to their checks.<br/>
Fluttershy: Um, I’d rather not cause friction between-<br/>
DM: Secretly. You can put it on notes.<br/>
Fluttershy: Oh. I guess that’s better?<br/>
Applejack: Hey, none of you worry too much about that. Most of it will come down to skill anyway, right?<br/>
DM: Yeah, pretty much. Dice, roleplaying, and skill.<br/>
Pinkie Pie: I think that about covers it! Let’s get this event started!<br/>
DM: That’s my line.<br/>
Pinkie Pie: On your marks!<br/>
Rainbow Dash: Is she slowly taking over the game?<br/>
Applejack: Maybe. Wouldn’t be surprised. Some people get the taste of power and never really let go.<br/>
DM: Hey! I’m still here, y’know!<br/>
Spike: Get set!<br/>
Applejack: Remember, if you don’t win, there’s always another way to get a ticket.<br/>
Rainbow Dash: Forget the ticket. This is just you and me now.<br/>
Spike: GO!!