Page 606 – Exposition FerryThere should be a ton of Fallout is Dragons content today! Unless, I mean, something crazy happens… Like our electricity getting shut off due to a payment failure…
<sigh> When it rains, it pours.</sigh>
But then I was able to stay at a friend’s place and finish working on them anyway.
Session 45-1 – Hellhound Diplomacy: Libsyn YouTube
Session 45-2 – Cloudship Repair: Libsyn YouTube
Session 45-3 – Doctor Problems: Libsyn YouTube
Pinkie Pie: Ooh! Ooh! If you’re doing a race, can I be the announcer?
DM: I was gonna have Spike do that… Do you mind if he tags along?
Pinkie Pie: Yeah! Color commentary!
DM: Anyway, the Running of the Leaves is…
Pinkie Pie: Hey, I can take this! The Running of the Leaves is what you get when seasons in Equestria don’t change naturally! In Autumn, the leaves change color but don’t fall, so we gotta get the ground shakin’ to knock off all those leaves by running all across town! It’s an Equestrian tradition and duty, and every town in the land does this every year!
DM: That’s… almost exactly…
Pinkie Pie: Well, yeah! What else would a Running of the Leaves be?