Page 586 – Lots and Lots of TrainsMagic and technology mixing in odd ways is always fun, even if it results in what looks like a spiraling plot hole at first glance.
Twilight Sparkle: …a second exception would be the mounts used in polo, which are called “polo ponies” even though they are actually horses by definition.</sigh>
Rainbow Dash: Alright! Fine. I’ll call it the Iron Pony Competition. Fine.
DM: Now that I think about it, there’s another reason why you wouldn’t want to call it Iron Horse.
Rainbow Dash:<sigh> And what’s that?<br/>
DM: Equestria’s railroads. “Iron horse” is a locomotive term. If you named it that, you’d probably have ponies thinking it was a train contest.<br/>
Rainbow Dash: What? Then… wouldn’t it be a compliment for an athletic contest to compare ponies to trains?<br/>
DM: Not really. It’s already a common fuel-saving practice to use strong earth ponies to pull the trains along.<br/>
Rainbow Dash: But… How does that… Then why bother with…<br/>
DM: I swear it makes sense.