Page 500 – A Halloween CarolThe more I made the joke, the more the comparison made a twisted bit of sense…
So. 500, huh? Check back here tomorrow, because I’ve spent the weekend combing over the last 400 pages of comments for a very good reason.
You know, when internet creators hit milestones, the words “all thanks to you guys” can get thrown around a lot. Sure, social media interaction and word of mouth counts for a lot, but when the creative work mainly comes from the creator hitting the milestone, it can seem a bit disingenuous. Perhaps the right kind of disingenuous, but still.
After spending hours and hours reading through pages and pages of comments this weekend, though… Those words are 100% true. From the very beginning and even now, I see people remarking every so often that “Man, the comic’s alright, but some of the comments down here are pure gold, too.” And it’s because you guys are sharing stories so many times a week, talking about the awesome, funny, heartwarming, crazy, and thought-provoking adventures you’ve had, that we all share as a collective of hobbyists. I don’t think this comic would be where it is without all that. Without all you guys. It’s really all thanks to you guys. At least, I think so.
I guess what I’m trying to say is: I hope to pay tribute to that again with tomorrow’s video. See you then.
It’s done! Much, much later than I wanted (by about 18 hours), but I guess that’s what I get for assuming I can get a week’s worth of work done in three days. But here it is!
Story Time! 2 – Friendship is Dragons 500
PPPM: And then I show up at Twilight’s door!</cough></gaaasp!>
DM: Er… Okay, sure.
Pinkie Pie: Enough chit-chat! Time is candy!
Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie still goes trick-or… Uh, whatever it’s called in this world?
Pinkie Pie: Yeah! You don’t? C’mon, it’s free candy!
Twilight Sparkle: But isn’t Pinkie Pie – and by extension, aren’t you – old enough to buy your own candy? Where you can get any variety and any quantity you want? And pretty cheap if you wait until the day after? Without spending two hours outside at night in a cheap costume with loudmouthed toddlers?
Pinkie Pie:<gaaasp!> Are you telling me that you’re a… Nightmare Night Scrooge??<br/>
Twilight Sparkle: I’d better not get visited by the spirits of Nightmare Night past, present, and future. <br/>
DM: …Uh… Well…<br/>
Rarity: <cough><br/>
Applejack: Ha! So Pipsqueak is the Tiny Tim?<br/>
DM: No, there’s not- There’s nothing Dickensian here, I swear! It’s just… Well, you’ll see.