Page 462 – Party PoliticsThere are some things that are inextricably tied to who we commonly are as tabletop geeks. And one of them is how adventurers usually cope with high society situations – which is to say, not very well.
DM: Any other tangents people want to resolve before we get back to the main plot?
Applejack: We have a main plot?
DM: Well, the big sub-plot.
Fluttershy: I’m okay. Just happy to be here, really.
Pinkie Pie: Not me! I want to go to at least one party before we leave!
DM: You’re in luck, then. Canterlot’s full of ponies who like to party. Dinner parties, garden parties, benefit parties, company parties…
Pinkie Pie: Eeugh. Any REAL parties?
DM: What do you mean by that?
Pinkie Pie: Something that’s not something self-important rich people put together.
DM: Oh. Then no, not in Canterlot.
Rarity: Do not knock it until you’ve tried it.
Pinkie Pie: Well I’ll make my own party! Who’s got a birthday coming up?
Twilight Sparkle: Uh… Well… Mine’s in two months?
Pinkie Pie: Congratulations, you’re getting an early birthday party!
Twilight Sparkle: Is that really necessar- Nevermind. I know better than to ask.