Page 459 – It’s Who You KnowI think we can all agree what a minor miracle it was that the Season Two finale and its new characters turned out as well as they did. That said, it’s still fun to reminisce on how completely out of left field they seemed at the time.
Fallout is Dragons will up on Saturday, and for the foreseeable future will continue to go up on Saturday. Sorry for the consistent delays up to this point – promising a regular update during such a tumultuous time in my life might’ve been a little premature. But Saturday seems to be working well for me, so Saturday it is.
Twilight Sparkle: Anything else I should know about the ponies I’ve lived with all my life?
DM: Well, you’ll learn this while you’re visiting your parents, but it seems like Shining Armor might be getting married soon.
Rarity: Yes! I can already picture the dresses, designed by me!
Twilight Sparkle: Really? To who?
DM: Your former babysitter, Cadence. Or to use her proper title, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.
Twilight Sparkle: I… Huh??
Rarity: A ROYAL wedding?! Even better!
Applejack: “Princess”? Is she…
DM: An alicorn, yes. Like Princess Celestia.
Rainbow Dash: And that other one! You know, What’s-her-name.
DM: Pardon?
Fluttershy: Princess Luna.
DM: …Oh, crap. I haven’t done anything with Luna. Not since, well, the first session of my original campaign went horribly awry…
Twilight Sparkle: Well, one thing at a time! When and how did I get babysat by a Princess??