Page 434 – Grand Line III, Part 2Author: DragonTrainer
Newbiespud’s Note: No guest Author’s Note for this one either, but I’ll supply one: The measure of what is a “roleplayer” is always relative. Applejack might be a more pragmatic one in the pony game, but compared to the pirate game, she might as well be LARPing.
We use the big four – roleplayer, real man, loonie, and munchkin – as archetypes, but in reality every player exists on a range of coordinates along those dimensions. The person who gets labeled as the archetype is simply the most extreme.
Anyway, that’s it! That ends Guest Comics, Round 4! Sweet and Elite starts this Thursday. Also, the next Fallout is Dragons episode goes up this Thursday, finally. We’ve fallen behind quite a bit, and we’re sorry, but it’s been a crazy month for a few people. On the bright side, now that we have a small backlog, we’ll just make Thursdays the official weekly Fallout is Dragons upload day from here on out. Here’s to a ton more pony/RPG internet content!
DM: Alright, then. Applejack? Big Macintosh? The two of you are at Sweet Apple Acres and Apple harvesting season is almost upon you.
Applejack: Looks like we’ve got our work cut out for us.
Cory / Big Macintosh: Eeyep.
Applejack: The two of us can handle it, though, since we been at it fer years.
Cory / Big Macintosh: Eeyep.
Applejack: Uh… our lil sis, Applebloom’s a good filly, but she gets into all sorts of trouble, huh?
Cory / Big Macintosh: Eeyep.
Applejack: …So I hear Rarity’s startin’ up a vocal quartet. You should join.
Cory / Big Macintosh: Eeyep.
Applejack: Still not big on the whole roleplayin’ thing, huh?
Cory / Big Macintosh: Nope. Can we go kill something now?
Applejack: …Fine, let’s go try and track somethin’ down.