Page 133 – Loose Dead Ends<br/>You see that banner/title image at the top of the page? This is what it looks like right now:
I want something a little better than what I have, but I have absolutely zero graphic design chops. So I’m looking for an artist again. If you’re interested in doing some logo art for the site, contact me at
I got a pretty large response for this. Thanks, all of you – the artist problem is pretty much solved now. You’ll see the fruits of their labor soon enough.<br/>
Fluttershy: Oh! Y-You know something? I can’t go; I have to stay.<br/></sigh></removed></removed>
Twilight Sparkle: Uh-huh, okay- Wait, what? Why?<br/>
Fluttershy: My animals. I can’t leave them unattended. That’d be irresponsible.<br/>
Twilight Sparkle: But we need you! Your Animal Empathy is vital for persuading the dragon!<br/>
Fluttershy: But… you see…<br/>
Applejack: What about that little imp of yours? Think he can keep the critters in line?<br/>
Fluttershy: But… Angel’s not trained…<br/>
Twilight Sparkle: What if Spike helped out?<br/>
Spike: Sure! We can give it our best shot!<br/>
Fluttershy: But… Well… Maybe, between the two of them…<br/>
Twilight Sparkle: Good! Thanks for bringing it up. I could’ve completely overlooked that. Now there’s nothing stopping us!<br/>
Fluttershy: B-But… But… <sigh> Okay.