I wanted to add Flam because, ya know, a family tree is supposed to show the complete family. But then I realized I would have to include 19 extra ponies. Soo, I’m just going to keep Flam on the A.J family tree.
Base by NeythanCake
(Left to Right)
1st Row
??? and Capella Dated for an extremely short period of time One drunken night of foolin’ around and bada bing, bada boom; Capella is pregnant The dude dipped as soon as he heard Capella was pregnant, straight up ghosted her (What a dick) Parents of Shining Armor
Capella and Theodore Capella, being a teacher, had to take Shining to a day-care because she couldn’t watch him during the day She choose Teddy Bear Day-Care because of it’s cheap prices and good reputation, and was then introduced to our big boi Theodore Capella developed a HUGE crush, and Theodore was completely oblivious. After some coaxing from her friends, Capella asked if they could maybe grab a coffee sometime. Date went perfectly, few years later and BAM! Married with a filly on the way Parents of Princess Twilight Sparkle Freakin’ adore their grandfoals, would die for all of them
2nd Row
Chrysalis and Shining Armor Accidental pregnancy while Chrysalis was disguised as Cadence No one knows except Chrysalis herself and the changelings At first hated the child she had, but eventually grew to care for him. If it’s genuine love or simply respect for his intelligence is unknown Despite being the mother of all changelings, she only views Marcescent as her true son because he acts like more than a mindless drone due to his intelligence Parents of Marcescent
Shining Armor and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza Power couple Both deceased Shining fell head over hooves in love with Cadence while she was Twilights babysitter It took awhile, but those feelings eventually became mutual Yada, yada, season two finale. M A R R I ED How did they die, well you see it all happened when :redacted due to spoilers: Parents of Flurry Heart, Snow Storm, and Crystal Never become aware of Shining’s child with Chrysalis before they kick the bucket
Trixie Lulamoon and Princess Twilight Sparkle A few to many ciders and a magic potion later, Trixie is pregnant! F U C K Twilight? No idea this is happening, mainly because Trixie ghosted the entirety of Ponyville Parents of Magic Trick Twilight is unaware of her child with Trixie until far later in my story
Princess Twilight Sparkle and Prince Flim Flim is deceased Considered an odd couple, because no one would have guessed these two would ever love each other Everyone was wrong Flim and Flam moved to Ponyville because the Casino was bought out by some bitch, and they had basically no money F U C K Well, to save money they found the cheapest house they could find That house was in Ponyville F U C K x2 They had no where else to go, so they were basically forced to move there. Luckily, this house was on the outskirts of town. Unluckily, within 2 hours the entirety of Ponyville knew who lived in that house. F U C K x3 Flam was out being a ““responsible member of society”“ and getting a job, while Flim just kinda holed himself up in the library. This library was Twilight’s castle (I don’t know if in canon it’s a public library, but in my head canon it is) Twilight was hesitant at first to talk to Flim because of Applejack loudly and proudly voicing her hatred of him and Flam But she felt bad seeing him alone with his snout shoved in a book, she related to that on a de e p level. And she is the princess of Friendship after all right? Flim was quite shocked that Twilight of all ponies was trying to talk to him and was an awkward mess. Twilight related to that on a SPIRITUAL LEVEL Oh fuck they fell in love Ok, well it took longer than that. Flim developed a crush on Twi, but she was a princess and he was a con-pony. The chances were in the negatives with him. But w a it, the feelings were mutual. W A CK Parents of Red Thorn and adopted parents of Dusk Star
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