Pristine Melody sighed, blowing her bangs out of her eyes. Ever since her girls had moved out, something felt…missing. Things that normally made her happy felt like a drag. She longed to have her babies home. Turning her head, she watched as her husband tidied up the room. Then it hit her.
“Quilly! I have an idea!”
“Yes hon?” Cursive Quill smiled, walking over towards the couch where his wife laid. “What is it?”
“Ya know how the girls are gone?” She replied, beaming. “What if we had a baby?”
Cursive frowned in uncertainty. “Are you sure dear? You have two grandfoals and both of your girls are grown up. Wouldn’t they find it…odd?”
“Bu! Quilly!” She pouted, “They never come and see me anymore, an’ I get so lonely without having a lil’ foal to chase around.” Mel grabbed his hoof, “Please Quilly, it would make me the happiest mare in all of Equestria.”
“Well…” Cursive let out a forced smile, “Alright. If it makes you happy, love.”