Artist’s description from DA:
Read “The Bridge” here! www.fimfiction.net/story/12183…Godzilla rolled his shoulders comfortably as his mane glowed a touch brighter, opening his jaws briefly and letting out a very brief puff of plasma upwards. The fireball only traveled a few meters before fizzling out.
“Force the power to stay locked in. Then-”
Junior’s mane however didn’t stop it’s glow and instead the energy visibly arched down his body and across all four of his hooves. A brief shockwave shot out of him from the contact points between himself and the floor and when the dust settled the impression of the shockwave was visible on the disturbed sand and gravel as a series of circled emanating out with his hooves at the epicenter.
Junior cracked his neck, brushing some dust off his shoulder.
“-redirect it elsewhere.”
Mariner, now half covered in dust, sported a wide eyed and excited look before cracking a determined expression and nodding. The filly took in a deep breath, the first few spirals on her horn starting to light up. For a moment they raced upwards like the beam was about to fire out when the final spiral was lit, only for Junior’s barking to halt it in place.
“Close off the vent, hold it!”
“Grrk! Try-ing!”
Chibi shook and grit her teeth, clearly straining.
The first few times she tried this she was forced to cut the magic off entirely because she either couldn’t risk holding it back or it fizzled out due to not being able to build it. On the sixth one however, something else happened. Through gritting of teeth, muscle shakes, and some vocabulary Junior recognized Lieutenant Koji saying more than once, things he was rather surprised to hear out of a filly; the magic build up successfully arched down from Mariner’s horn and into her legs. The only problem was it only came out of her back left hoof and rushed out uncontrollably, resulting in the filly getting launched up into the air at a spinning angle as a rotating pink blur.
Godzilla’s eyes snapped open and he rushed forward while looking up to try and position himself to catch her on the way back down; shouting something that would cause the shobijin to reprimand him for terrible language.
“KUSO!” (****!)
There was a stupendous crash which Junior’s thundering hoofsteps chased after.