PINK PEARL APPLE: Listen up everypony! Tomorrow, we’re gettin’ up early and we’re going to do Daddy’s chores for him for Father’s Day!
PINK LEMONADE: How is that different than what we do for Dad every day?
PINK PEARL APPLE: We’re gonna do ALL of Daddy’s work, stupid! So he can have the whole day off. Riser: you an’ Sorbet, an’ Lemon take care of apple bucking!
APPLE SORBET: A weeks allowance says I can buck more apples than you.
PINK LEMONADE: …you’re on.
PINK PEARL APPLE: Summer and Crabby, uh… you two pick up loose apple, okay?
SUMMER BREEZE: *sucks front hoof*
PINK PEARL APPLE: Flutter! You an’ me are gonna plow the field together!
APPLE FLUTTER: Okie dokie!
LATE RISER: Uh, Pearl? Are you sure you can do that? The plows awfully heavy and-
PINK PEARL APPLE: Nuh, uh! We’ve got this, right Flutter?
Happy Father’s Day everyone!
…what do you mean that was a week ago?
Y’know, the funny thing is I knew this was going to take me awhile so I actually started on this right after Mother’s Day. I worked on it for about a week, but then I got side tracked and didn’t have steady access to my computer for a few days and it turns it breaking my work-flow is a fantastic way to kill my momentum. Well, I had already nearly finished this, so no point in cancelling or calling it off until next year.