I’ve renamed her Dahlia Blossom, instead of Dahlia Bloom (why yes, it’s totally a reference to the power puff girls, thank you for noticing!)
While Applebloom naturally grew tall and strong as an Apple earth pony would, Featherweight and Dahlia were petite, frail and thin. Because of this, neither could ever really help out in the farm. When Dahlia was born, she was so small that the doctors thought she wouldn’t live. But she did, and because of this, her parents consider her their miracle flower, and Applebloom knows she has strength…just not the kind that would buck trees. She sort of felt bad about herself when she couldn’t pull small apple carts or pick an apple off a tree, so to make her feel better, Featherweight gave her one of his old cameras. She went nuts with it as soon as she got it, taking pictures of the apples instead of trying to pick them. Applebloom supported her all the way, putting her pictures up in frames and showing them off. Featherweight took her to Fluttershy’s house after he noticed how much she loved pictures of nature, and she loved it there. She became very, very passionate about photography in this way.
Oh no, it appears I am growing attached to Dahlia. D:
Pls ignore that random pink blob and pencil, this was a small doodle in a page of…stuff. Also, I know Dahlia and Feather look a little weird, but that’s because my little brother came running in like a Titan while I was inking.