III love people asking about my NG hah especially about Discojack ohhhh yes !
So here we go with Discords relationship to the apple family !
First we got the youngest apple sibling, Applebloom.
I like the take of the comics were the CMC are friends with Discord, it makes sense for those three to have some wild adventures with the noodle of mayhem imo soo AB and Discord are close friend, goofing around and working on the farm, Applebloom is happy as a peach with the new family addition !
Of course things look dire in the first pic and that is because AB took on the role of overprotective sibling.
‘‘Now we’re frands so y’all get ta have a chance wit ma sis but ah swear to the soil we’re standin on, If ya hurt ma sis ah’ll tan yer hide darker than a Night in tartarus.’‘
And while Chaos man might be snazzy and powerful, an angry apple Horse is a scary scary thing to face.
Middle of the row, these sketches are super old and nasty but u better enjoy lmao.
Winona is a big fan of the new family member, and totally not because he sneaks her table scraps and turns her into a 11foot monster wolf to wrestle thru the orchard with hahk.
At first the Guarddog of the family was cautious about the jumpy weird demigod but at this point they’ve figured out how to coexist much like the rest of the family.
And lastly the oldest Apple, Big Mac actually was friends with Discord long before AJ and him got together.
So when AJ seemed happy and well supported, Big Mac had nothing but smiles and acceptance for the couple.
Nowadays he’s not around the farm a lot but when he does visit he still loves to get wrapped up in some games of ogres and oubliettes, often including Spike and his hubby too.
This art is like p crummy but my pc hung itself at the end soooo I’m done with it for now, and it’s solid to show the relationships as I wanted uvu
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