A discarded design for the card pack, which is supposed to have 25 characters in total. I decided to replace alternate dawn with little aj, because there is already a rule 63 twilight sparkle in the card pack, and 2 stallions that looks like Twilight is going to confuse many people…
Alternate dawn was a fighter character. He can <del>voyeur</del> look at his oppenents’ hand and get rid of their defensive cards before attacking, exposing them to further attacks from allies.
Original description:
魔法 出牌阶段,你可以将本回合内的性别改为“女”
卡片 出牌阶段限一次,你可以交给一名攻击范围内的异性角色2张牌并观看其手牌,弃置其中的2张,然后视为对其使用了一张计入次数的“杀”