Prince Dazzle Shield says, “Hey Azure, do you know where Pumpkin and Prince Waxing went? They are the only ones still not at my place getting costumes ready. Well besides my cousin Flurry at that one store.”
Azure replies, “Yeah I saw’em! This way my royal buddy!” quickly trots along to what looks like a bucket of water with only a couple apples left with both the ponies they are looking for
Dazzle begins to walk towards it until a blue leg is in front of him “Uh Azure, they are right there,” says a slightly annoyed Dazzle. Azure responds excitedly, “Wait, wait! Let’s watch this first.” Dazzle looks confusedly at Azure than at the two hanging around the apple bob bucket
“Here ah go!”, an enthusiastic Pumpkin Cake says leaning into the bucket. “You go mare,” Prince Waxing Moon says coolly. <del>Pumpkin tries for one apple than it bounces away in the water.</del> “Oh drat!” Pumpkin exclaims than she tries for the other apple. Pumpkin successfully bites gently but firm on the other apple Rising up with the apple Pumpkin notices she is not the only one holding the apple-
“Uh.. uh.. wha are you doin’ Waxin’?” says a quickly beet red Pumpkin. Prince Waxing replies confidently, “To join in the fun with two tasty fruit.” He winks while holding onto the apple.
The blue leg lowers down. “Okay, now we can go!” a skittish Azure says and prances forward. Dazzle <ins>shakes his head</ins> looking at the ground saying, “What a pony.” than walks towards his friends.