More Season 9 Comics
“…I don’t know why, but suddenly all my talents and history of manipulating others seem so… inferior…“
Congratulations, everypony! We have a very special event happening in the Season 9 Retirement Party today, because this week’s comic is based on Sparkle’s Seven, aka: “Holy Crap We Actually Made It to 200: the Episode”! Sheesh, this comic took a while to make. I don’t normally dip into the double-digit panel counts except for special milestones, but… well… this IS a special milestone! 200 episodes! Did literally anyone think this little pony show would EVER make it even close to this many episodes 8 years ago? It’s pretty crazy to think about! Sure, it’s ending now, but just look at the legacy it left behind!
This episode did a fantastic job celebrating such an accomplishment. What can I say? I’m a sucker for Mane Six episodes, you know, the ones where all the main characters have their own different subplots that they’re off doing, but they all tie together somehow, and it’s not really about any specific one or two of them? (stuff like Castle Mane-ia, Trade Ya, Best Night Ever, Best Gift Ever, etc.) These have to be my favorite types of episodes on the show overall, and it was great to see the VAs take control of their characters’ lives for a bit. It wasn’t quite as insane as Slice of Life, but it’s still easily a top-tier episode for me… even if I’m still waiting for Pinkie to actually go to space.
It’s been a while since I did something super ridiculous, so here you go! I had trouble figuring out what I wanted to make this comic about since so much happened this episode, but in the end I found that Super-Devious Spike stood out to me the most, and I wanted to see how far I could take that concept. I’ve thought of a few other details to support this… “theory”, in regards to Spike’s actions in the show, but like most of the nonsensical headcanons I post here, it probably falls apart under careful analysis, and should in no way be taken seriously.
Here’s to 200 mo- …oh, right. Well, here’s to 22 more, at least! Looking forward to the next episode!
(Translator’s Note: Spikaku means Splan.)