Strong emotions … come from strong feelings.
I like when the show gets mature like that and also taps a bit into the darker areas. The story behind Starlight really got me, I really like the story arc of Sunburst and her.
She is a very lovable character but it really struck her hard when she was left alone. I can connect to that.There is so much rooted in that image. She feels betrayed by her best friend but also she does not want him to go so she tries to guilt trip him. (remind you, she’s young and all of this just overwhelming)Sunburst understand but is torn and helpless, not knowing what to do. He just got the cutiemark, he did not ask for it. Also he does not want her to be more mad so he endures.
Well call me a softie, I like the emotional parts of MLP. It’s so much more than just an animation show imho. And this is kinda a weird way of me to say thanks to DHK, Hasbro, all the writers and fans for me having this emotional rollercoaster every time.