Introducing my story pieces! This one is from mine and RoobyHalo ‘s Next Gen AU.
Midnight Lantern and Dawn Light were always bickering. Argue about this, argue about that. It’s only natural that such bright children would compete to see who was the smartest. From dangerous dares to spelling contests hosted by a reluctant Twilight Sparkle, there was never a clear winner. “I’m obviously going to be the taller one!” Dawn shouted loudly from down the hall. Star Tracker’s ears twitched and Twilight sighed as she put down her book. “No way! I’m already taller AND I’m older. There is no way that you’ll be taller,” Midnight shouted back. The two exasperated parents chatted quietly as the made their way to the area of the argument, which happened to be in the Map Room. “Just because you’re older and have your stinking cutie mark doesn’t mean that you’re smarter than me!” Dawn puffed, sticking out her tongue. Before Midnight could tackle her younger sister, Twilight and Star came into the room. “So what were you two actually fighting over before it got this far?” Twilight inquired as they came to a stop next to the glaring daughters. “Midnight told me that she’d hide all of my books in the tall places so that I couldn’t see them!” Dawn complained, shooting another glare at Midnight who wrinkled her snout in response. “And why did you threaten to do so, Midnight?” Star Tracker turned to Midnight, who was clearly livid at the fact that Dawn had tattled on her. “She spilled my Cherry Mahogany ink and was refusing to fund me for a new vial!” Midnight whined, her snarl turning into a pout. “Because it is ridiculous to get mad over some stupid ink!” Dawn huffed. “Dawn, was it an accident?” Twilight questioned. When Dawn did not answer immediately, she pressed. “Dawn Light-” “No, but she-” “Then you’ll buy a replacement. You cannot just damage somepony else’s property just because you were upset with them. Are we clear?” Twilight explained. “Yes,” Dawn pouted, sulking off to her bedroom. Midnight sighed, then turned away to shuffle back to her own, while mumbling something about “ruined drawings.” Twilight and Star just shook their heads and went back to their own business.
Have a lil peak into what Dawn and Midnight’s relationship was like when they were little They were none too keen on spending very much time together at all, and their parents were pretty “lucky” to have a castle where they could spread out and keep to themselves. This obviously backfires in the future, but they at least had a fairly peaceful childhood.
Often, Spike and Rarity would come over and that would often result in a friendly display of playing. Midnight and Dawn always enjoyed and relished when Spike would come over and rough-house with them. Other than those times, they would hide in their parts of the castle to study.
Note: This is and AU that displays mine and RoobyHalo ‘s headcanons for the show. Some things may not line up exactly with the show as this story has been in development for several years.
You may not trace, claim,heavily reference, or use my art without permission. Please do not reupload to other sites without permission and proper crediting. Midnight Lantern belongs to me. Dawn Light belongs to RoobyHalo . Star Tracker and Twilight Sparkle belong to Hasbro.