Just wanted to draw my favorite crack-le pop- foal pairing
1)Toots and Cracks started out as family friends. Lyra and Derpy had introduced their kids together and from there, they hit it off. Though at first, Toots didn’t really think much of him since she still had a crush on Truffle Shuffle (this was despite him returning Twist’s feelings). It wasn’t until after they had grown close did Tootsie Flute found herself liking the blonde maned colt. After confessing to him, Crackle Pop admitted that he liked her too, which was the start of their relationship.
2)Thanks to being inspired by this, I went with the idea of a pegasus entrusting his/her wing feather to their special somepony. Tootsie is elated to be given a symbol of Crackle’s trust and devotion
3)Crackle struggled to discipline his rambunctious daughter, Bubbles. He had taken on that task, since he knew just how energetic pegasi foals tend to be (he was one after all). Bubbles threw a lot of tantrums and would try to fly away. Thankfully, her brattiness had died down and now, she still has her spirit but not much of her selfishness.
4)I like to think that Crackle would want to be a traveler of sorts, being inspired by his father’s tales of Gallopfrey. Here, he rests as he takes a break from adventures as he thinks of his beloved baby blue unicorn. Having her cutie mark on the goggles certainly helps.
5)Tootsie was very patient with Taffy’s outburst of tears. While Crackle decided to focus most of his attention on Bubbles, Tootsie focused hers on Taffy. It made sense too since the little filly would have some magical bursts like all unicorn foals. Good thing Taffy was easier to calm down as her outbursts came from loneliness.
6)After a particularly stressful and busy day, the couple rest together. Crackle here had to deal with some rather rude ponies, so his wife kisses him for comfort.