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Actually it’s been a while since I came up with an idea for this picture. At first I wanted to use cafe scenebuild props from Fallout 3 but decided to make it with Route 66 cafe eventually cause it looks way better! Was inspired by the first episode of Skylanders Academy where Spyro took a picture of his butt for his fangirl, which I found rather funny, and wanted to recreate something similar but starring Velvet Remedy)) As you can see, the concept changed a bit, cause it was Velvet at first who was supposed to levitate a camera. But it looks like Littlepip suits best for the role of a plot photographer! XD
Btw, not really sure if the title suits the picture well as there is more of Pip and Calamity idiolizing Velvet, what we can see here, rather then herself doing so. If you come up with a better one, feel free to leave it in the comments and don’t be shy to leave comments in general! :)
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