The way that Swift Bow met Marble was that she was all alone on Hearts Warming Eve and Swift Bow could not handle the sadness in her heart so he greeted her just like many other ponies who came to him for a friendly talk and offered her to stay at his house, of course she had to bring her family over which he didn’t mind but she did not include Pinkie which kind of surprised him but after she talked about why she felt so down was because of Big Mac, Applejacks brother in law, was with another mare and she talked about not wanting to be in this world but Swift acted quickly to stop her negative emotions and asked promising that if she wants to be his friend and help her with socialism and moving foward to the future, Swift will propose to marry Marble to her family and friends. Marble thought long and hard about the decision but after she realized what she is rewarded with, she finally gives in to her tear damn and happly says yes to be her marefriend and two months later on Hearts and Hooves Day she has improve so much of social behavior and has forgiving Big Mac for his marefriend and encouraged his wedding for them and he said that he’ll happly attend his wedding with Swift Bow. After both of their marriages, Swift Bow invited Big Mac and Sugar Belle to his home where they can talk about they all got this point and enjoyed the time for all of them and for both couples, they will wait for their young to come in the future.
A short way to describe Swift Bow’s feelings for Marble Pie during Hearts Warming Eve and how Marble forgive Big Mac for dating Sugar Belle. Hope you enjoyed and see you next time.